Get Going.

“I started Storytime Studios at the end of 2019 and right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, we’ve built a team, worked on a lot of different projects, and seen what it’s like to try and run a business while building a brand. It’s not easy.

My background isn’t in marketing or branding. I spent my entire career in Logistics and Supply chain before switching. I have had experience producing media in the past, but since opening a creative agency, I’ve had to learn how to do many more things first-hand.

A lot of the learning has been just how many pieces there are to a marketing puzzle.

As a result, the number one ethos I’ve tried to build into Storytime is to seek clarity. Because if you know what you need to do and what the idea is - the rest is just a matter of executing the logistics.

We live in tough times with a lot of insecurity and with many unknowns. The clarity I try to bring to the table has led to success because we’ve learnt to deal with failure.

The most exciting thing we’ve been working towards for months is these workshops. They condense everything we’ve learned and package the concepts into a one-day workshop, giving people all the tools they need to take on those unknowns with a plan they can get going and run with.

- Krystian Ostrowski

Join the team.

We are a small team of creatives and producers working to deliver high-quality work.

The regular team covers these key areas:

  • Direction & Strategy.

  • Support & Operations.

  • Graphic Design.

  • Videography.

  • Photography.

We are always on the lookout for new creatives to collaborate with, so if you are a working creative, reach out! We’d love to chat.


To make strategy simple, easy, and not intimidating.

“To turn Strategy into a Verb.”


To build brilliant business tools.


  • Quality - doing things properly and thoroughly.

  • Clarity - finding the best understanding.

  • Communication - building relationships.

  • Process - developing methods that scale.


Our purpose is to clarify ideas and help people put those ideas into action.


What sort of marketing do you do?

In marketing speak, our specialty is Content Marketing which can be thought of as a ‘content first’ approach, meaning all strategies and goals centre around a brand’s story, after which, based on analysis and how things are aligning with a clients management decisions, we push out ads to support the content.

Do we run ads?

Performance marketing - Google ads, SEO, social media ads - require a highly detailed approach. We stick to branding and strategy and partner with industry leading specialists to manage the performance aspect of things. Working together to create a cohesive strategy.

Who have you worked for?

We have worked on a wide variety of different projects in different industries. Though if we have to categorise things - construction, wholesale, property, and industrial businesses have been the area we have spent the most time helping.