BSK: Mode Selection


Let's clarify: Modes and having different types of Modes are concepts from the world of logistics and supply chain. If you didn't already know, that's my background. I think the world would be a simpler and better place if people understood even the basics of logistics.


Applied to marketing, I've used Modes as a way to describe any of the various ways your branding and marketing are presented or used to distribute your Story.


Keep in mind that there are multiple types of overarching Modes.

  • Digital (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, etc.)

  • Print (Brochures, business cards, flyers, etc.)

  • In-person (networking events, expos, parties, etc.)


Mode Selection is about picking your mix, the combination of channels you'll use to distribute your marketing messages, updates, and your brand's stories.


We have to select for reasons listed in the Spend post but also because each marketing Mode takes time and effort to administer. Nobody has endless time, just like no one has infinite money (unless you're Apple or Google).


My recommendation is to pick your Top Five.

The top five places you will, after taking care of your brand setup, will actively administer, attend to, and assess for performance.


Questions to ask and help figure out which platforms to pick.

  • Do you know where your content is being posted now?

  • Where do you want to build up your brand and promote your services?

  • Do you know the type of media you like to create? Audio, video, blogs, events, etc.

  • Do you know how often you post?

  • Where does your Audience spend its time?


It's important to consider these questions and the work done when defining your Audience.

As you'll notice, the further along the brand strategy process, the more these individual components crossover, interact and inform each other.

Examples (not to be taken as tailored strategy advice).

Someone looking to set up a corporate-facing brand will be looking at the following: 

  1. Website updates

  2. Email newsletter

  3. LinkedIn case studies

  4. Networking events

  5. Business card/Tapt


Someone doing a very consumer-centric product will be on:

  1. Tik Tok

  2. Snapchat

  3. Instagram

  4. Pinterest

  5. Facebook


A tradie (electrician, plumber, roof tiler, etc) might be on:

  1. Google

  2. Website

  3. Instagram

  4. A printed flyer

  5. At the local pools or canteen

 Last Updated: 29/Dec/2023


BSK: Design


BSK: Spend